In March, The Executive Director of Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), DR. M. Ehsanur Rahman visited AMCC residence, located in the Hafizabad union of Panchgarh. He overviewed the overall activities and services of AMCC putting emphasis on AMCC building renovation and agricultural management.
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He suggested a good number of strategic changes for overall asset and programmatic grounds which later got implemented. His given suggestions were,
1. To handle the renovation of the first buildingresponsibly and with strict monitoring.
2. The electric wiring should be done properly to ensure safe earthing
3. All electronic devices should be kept in particular places only (Television Room; Room No. 305&3rd floor of the old building)
4. To convert the music roomintoa library.
5. To make one particular office room for social worker, agricultural officer, accounts
officer and tokeep one store room.
6. To keep the Child profiles in the office room.
7. to replace the brickboundary behind the old building with tin.
8. To paint the 2nd gate of the campus.
9. To renovated and clean the backspace of the old building.
10. To decorate the counselling room with help of a senior counsellorof DAM.
11. To digitalise and organize all information regarding children.
12. To decorate and capacitated the office of the centre managerwith sufficient furniture
14. To accommodate fire distinguisher in Kitchen, Residential buildings.
15. Ayu space should be constructed with washrooms behind the prayer room.
17. The lighting should be sufficient in the dinning space.
18. To keep the walls of 2nd building, stair walls and the pillars clean
19. To facilitateactivities of computer lab in two shifts.
20. To reconstruct the 2nd building staircases and repair the switch boards.
21. To use children’s name and number on the agricultural plots
22. To renovate the main road of the AMCC
23. To put special attention to case management ofchildren who are 15+
24. To do skill-assessments for Primary school graduates and special children.
26. To have a joint collaboration meeting once every month between head office staffs and Panchgarh staffs.
This visit of honourable ED sir hasplayed a significant role & helped the AMCC team to move toward completion of our dreams & visions for the most-vulnerable & disadvantaged children of AMCC. We thank him for his valuable guidance and guardianship.