The Ahsania Mission Children City will ensure integrated services and facilities for rehabilitation and potential growth of the children through a complete residential support following enrolment until they are educated up to SSC (secondary school certificate) level. A variety of services are planned to be provided as given below:
- Provide full residential accommodation, food, clothes, social and legal protection, secured modern living , communication network at each village of AMCC until the children are 18 years old or secondary school certificate (SSC and Vocational), whichever is earlier.
- Provide basic education up to SSC level.
- Impart vocational training for life-skills development enabling them to enter into the gainful employment or self-employment.
- Provide healthcare, sanitation and hygiene education.
- Ensure personal guidance, counseling and rectification services to those children who have a past record of involvement in any crimes and other antisocial activities.
- Facilities will be created(Play ground, swimming pool and gymnasium) for sports and culture so that the children can build up their potentials and contribute at the national level.
- Impart hands on training on agriculture, livestock, poultry, fisheries including sustainable environment and agro-rural development through a team of professional cadres of agriculturists.
- Provide specialized education for learning about discipline, human rights and civic responsibilities.
- Arrange job placement and self-employment through linking program with potential job market, prospective employers and entrepreneurs.
- Provide micro-finance package support as initial seed money, for starting small businesses and self-employment.