Our programmatic strategy & implementation method is a combination of UNCRC principles, Human right principles, Child-right Programming Pillars, UNICEF Strategic Plan (2014-2017) & UNICEF Bangladesh Child Protection Strategy 2012-2016, August 2011. Addressing the root causes, AMCC identified the specific bottleneck that needs to be removed to achieve our intended results, considering the effectiveness, affordability & sustainability. The strategies would create a comparative & complementary impact.
Direct Support
Starting with Enrolment & up till children’s successful reintegration into the society, AMCC ensures minimum package of services of child protection initiatives offering the alternatives as well with a touch of previously proven program components & the new uniquely designed one (based on the needs of children & national responses).
Existing Child-Protection Initiative:
- A select safe place/shelter to rescue & rehabilitate the most-vulnerable street children.
- Social/communal security, available child food and nutrition in center ensured.
- Identifying situational crisis of children & assisting with their needs in order to cope with the development
- Regularly outline plans on whether and how to create a better response to meet children’s protection
- Identify ways of improving the response plans (In regard to education, participation & opportunities, psychosocial & creative development) in order to meet children’s protection.
New Child-Protection Initiatives (from Project-level understanding):
- Zero tolerance to physical & sexual abuse of any children.
- Making children their own gate-keepers for child-protection.
- Making children heard & introducing the concept of consent to all-level residents.
- Chid-right-focused community sensitization & development.
- Residential regulations & enrichment of ethical values to be respectful toward the regulations.
- Additional learning mechanism on reproductive and sexual health, gender & humanitarian education.
- Creating & reviewing different learning options about child-protection for different type of learners (training/refreshers/self-learning/participatory learning) engaging all cognitive instruments.
- Data & register maintenance of every activity and documenting them transparently, timely monitoring & creating multi-level accountabilities by ensuring 100% participation of duty bearers, service recipient & 3rd party observers.
Strengthening the Capacity of Duty-bearers, Capacity of Children, Care givers, CSO & Community
AMCC is certain to create a chain of learning & realization between all level of beneficiaries. Starting with the Staff training (we also intend to include JMS representatives and advisory committee members), AMCC first passes the learning among service providers. Later, to testify & sharpen the knowledge of service providers, they will circulate their knowledge among service recipients & other associated stakeholders. This will not only identify their realization but also would help the children, duty-bearers & community members to be in accord. After receiving the creative & participatory learning, children in a cyclic way, passes the knowledge into the community through social awareness initiatives & other community focused activities covering cross-cutting humanitarian areas & especially street children situation in Bangladesh.
Realize, learn & Innovate
Educating and mobilizing all level beneficiaries, We also looks-into developing knowledge resources for our own learning. This time-to-time data generation & circulation mechanism helps the institution to explore additional fundamental changes & the best way to plan-adjust-review the strategies.
Robust Advocacy & Communication for Development
To make the state & actors take account of child-rights for lasting systematic changes & better allocation of resources, our strategy is especially focused on fostering the legal and policy framework of the program location. To surface the situational problems of the most-disadvantaged street children, this approach is a must to make the project location more enabling in the country context. Under this strategy, AMCC maximizes the power of all-level partnership for the best interest of children.
To attain our child development objectives in a planned manner, AMCC’s sub-objectives & activities have been divided into Seven Clusters. All of the clusters would function under the Joint Management System (JMS) of AMCC. JMS is another strategic tool that ensures children’s direct participation in the decision making & application process. The Student Council, Tiny Doctors, TAs & Room Representatives will work as the wings of JMS.